Jack William Finley

Jack William Finley
Amazon Author page

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

First impressions of American Psycho

I started reading Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho.  I wouldn’t call it very well written.  It has some sloppy word choices.  I get the impression he and probably his artsy ilk think they make the story more stylish.  I’m guessing he and his crowd think that’s a good thing.  I think it’s kinda sad that they thing that.

I must say its better than I feared it might be.  It decent if predictable art crowd satire, an Oliver Stone’s Wall Street style attack on the Reagan/Bush Era wealthy.

I’m not now nor will I ever defend the mindless, soulless, zombie yuppie pukes, but it seems to me that way too many people use them and there type to justify attacking and hating anyone and everyone in the world who ever made more money than they did/do.  I think that says more about those peoples pathological need to hate and point fingers than it does about yuppies or greed.

As a good friend is fond of saying, you’re mileage may vary.

As for American Psycho over all, I dug it off the back shelves because a lot of people seemed to thing it went way over the line with some of its violence and what-not.  Given what I’m writing at the moment I thought it might be a good idea to see where some people thought that line was.  Turns out I may get lucky and it may be worth reading for far more than just that.  Wouldn’t that be nice?

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