Jack William Finley

Jack William Finley
Amazon Author page

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

If I close my eyes forever

When I was young, many, many years ago, they actually made a distinction between friends and acquaintances.  Now in the 21st century you can be BFFs with people you’ve have never even met before.  This a gift of the internet and things like My Space (remember My Space anyone?) and Face Book.

I suppose I should be thankful.  Turns out the friends I have in the traditional sense that is, don’t seem to like me much.  Maybe distance is the only thing that makes me palatable.

I got a little early coal in my stocking this year.  I found out a friend I was really quite fond of is firmly on that list of local “friends” who don’t really care for my company and would just as soon keep our relationship as it were as vague and distant as possible.

Part of me wishes very much I knew why this was, but the truth is I am what I am and even if I was inclined to make myself more palatable I doubt if I could.  I’ve been the way I am far too long and I suppose the damage is already done.

I wonder would the world be any different if someone were listening.  If my voice reached beyond the distance of my own ears, if…

I wonder if that word-IF-might not be the most tragic in the language.  All the unrealized possibilities of the world summed up in a single quiet word.

I look up at the stars on clear nights, billions and billions of tiny little lights shining in the dark.  There are more stars by far than there are grains of sand on this entire planet.  A clear night sky on a cool dark night, a symbol of infinite possibilities and then I look in the mirror and see only a soul sucking black hole that can swallow EVERYTHING…even the stars.

I single life a single soul swimming in the sea of life touched by everything but touching nothing.  Tossed about on storm swept waters every human choice ripples down the time line, taught strings plucked and vibrating a sad sweet melancholy requiem.

It all seems so far away, slipping into darkness and I can’t help but wonder if it isn’t better that way.

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