Jack William Finley

Jack William Finley
Amazon Author page

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Contempt of Court

I am here by citing myself with contempt of the *supreme court.

I have never been able to manage any genuine respect for these Diana Ross want bees.

There is NOTHING hard or difficult about the 2nd Amendment but in their history these black robed buffoons have been consistently baffled by it.

They think famous people don’t have an expectation of privacy.  Good forbid some jack-ass be denied access to his or her favorite Actor/musician/celebrity/ whatever’s personal business.  How dare anyone think these people rate a life outside of their work?

I’m not even gonna mention health care too many people shooting their mouth of about that already.

Let me make this crystal fucking clear-I AM A FREE SPEECH GUY, make no mistake.  As much as I despise people who burn flags I opposed the ban on such things because the freedom it’s a symbol of is more important than the symbol itself.


Stolen Valor.

Way to go dumb asses.  You can’t and/or won’t protect the right of people to say what the want and express themselves on open air waves with out fear of the thugs from the FCC. 

Can’t or won’t protect lawful gun ownership from the ATF (and E don’t forget their precious new E) thugs and bullies.


Some shit bag wants to pretend to be a hero he (or she) isn’t.

THAT, you’re all over.

Thank gods for the country’s black robes jesters.

The country I grew up loving and believing in is going to hell in a hand basket.  I suppose I can console myself with the true and certain knowledge that considering the barrel of drunken slobbering monkeys we let run the place it’s a miracle we’ve lasted this long.

*yes-I do know it’s generally capitalized.  YOU seem to be missing my point already.

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