Jack William Finley

Jack William Finley
Amazon Author page

Monday, June 18, 2012

We interrupt this gratuitous sex...

...for a quick pubic service announcment.

So anyone who knows me would be shocked at the idea of it, but I just might be a bit of a prude.

Yep, surprised me too.  For the veterans of these weary like ramblings who are even now scratching their heads and screaming "What the f…," let me explain.

I’m watching the Home Box Orgy or something that started out there and what do you know-story, story, sex and naked people, little more story, sex and naked people, some story, and yes you guessed it, more sex and naked people.  Yes you’re on cable, we know, you can show things like that…yes we know, but gosh kids the whole “Hey look at us we’re special we can show naked people and sex!” is not in and of itself, entertainment.

Look if I had my way I’d chuck the FCC in a friggin volcano and spit on them and all there ilk as they floated down to their doom.   I loathe them with a fire that will never burn out BUT, I hate them because what I want is good stories told really well that reflect the world we live in not some Disney sanitized version there of.  It pisses me off that we limit the ability of artists and entertainers in this “free” country from telling real stories in a way that reflects REAL life and REAL language as I hear it almost every day.  However, I have no use for cursing or nudity or gratuitous sex over and over just because they can.  Just tell a good story the way it needs to be told.  If it needs gratuitous anything you might want to rethink your definition of good.
We now we return you to whatever you do that passes for normal life.  Thanks for stopping by.

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