The thing about the sheep people is, they hate thinking. If they are alone for too long without proper distractions they are afraid the evil nasty universe will sneak up on them and make them think. That's why tevevision and most movies are the way they are. People don't want to know about the world because there are an awful lot of things wrong with the world. It can and should be better. If people thought about that they would have to ask themselves why they don't do anything about the world being as screwed up as it is. They know it's screwed up, but it's much easier to blame someone or something other than themsleves if the DON"T THINK about...well anything.
Thinking usually leads to taking some kind of resposibility for-the way the world is, making it better, and or wondering why you DON"T do anything to make it better than it is.
The one thing the sheep hate even more than thinking is any sense at all of resonsibility. That's why so many of them are happy to give so much of their money and yours...especially yours, to the government because then they can just pretend that the government ( the people who couldn't fix a loose screw with out a huge argument and mucking it up at least twice along the way) will fix EVERYTHING and the only thing THEY should be responsible for is making sure the rich people (people who naturally aren't them) pay enough taxes to fix EVERYTHING so they don't have to and keep the idiot box (TV) running, to distract them from terrible thoughts like-what if the government can't or won't fix everything for us with out us actually having to lift a finger or contribute in anyway.
Don't get me wrong about the tax thing. Rich sheep aren't any better than the mass of poor sheep but there are fewer of them and they generally aren't as noisy so they annoy some what less.
this public service announcement was brought to you by the letter:
S (for sheepeople)
and the letter,
A (for annoying, 'cause that's what sheepeople do best)
Thank you for your time and patience. The now return you to your regular scheduled whatever.
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