Jack William Finley

Jack William Finley
Amazon Author page

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is Apathy really our countries new motto...and who gives a fuck anyway?

OK, I don't get it.  Is the human race just genetically stupid?  I don't want to believe that,  I see exceptions fairly often but, by and large any reasonable intelligence in humans seems to be the exception far more than the rule.

I watching documentaries for research on a story and, even though I know better, I looked at some of the reviews.  I just finished with Restrepo and now I'm moving on to Bad Voodoo Platoon.  One jack-ass says- The reviews for Bad Voodoo Platoon talked him out of watching it and he watched Restrepo instead and now he's telling people to watch Restrepo because he KNOWS that it's better.  How the fuck can he possibly know that?  The moron just said he didn't watch Bad Voodoo Platoon.

It's a free country.  I give a rat's ass if somebody knocks something I like.  If I'm so easily manipulated I'll let myself be taked into any dumb ass opinion, just because some internet yahoo told me so, that's no ME not them.  BUT, the very least a person should be able to expect is that a person, no matter how stupid they are, at least watched or read or has some personal knowledge of things that they claim to be reviewing.

Intellectual types used to say that TV rotted peoples minds.  Now I see what's going on with the internet, especially with these idiots being able to shoot their mouths off from behind the bulletproof armor of anonymity, and I wonder, maybe it's the other way around.  TV has such great potential if used wisely and to it's greatest effect.  In many ways the internet has even far greater potential and how are they used?  To watch mind numbingly bad reality TV and play Angry Birds( whatever the hell that is).

The human race actually sent human beings to the Moon for gods sake (although their are some idiots who would have you believe that iT was all faked), the human race built the Seven man-made wonders of the world.  Twice actually-the original Ancient world wonders and the Seven Modern World Wonders...

Actually, I checked (something else these morons I'm currently railing against seldom, if ever do), there are a number of lists now.  The point being I have some idea what we as a species are capably of if we get our heads out of our asses and apply ourselves and yet, how often does that happen...apparently not that often.

There are so many things to be depressed about in the modern world, and looking back for the so called good old days rarely if ever helps, but I think the thing that depresses me most is the staggering gulf between where we are as a species  and where we could and should be.  We should be making the world a vastly better place and looking to the stars, because I have some really bad news for the wacko hippie environmental do-gooders, the whole save the planet thing-while not a BAD idea-is a stop gap measure at best.  If you really care about the future of humanity, such that it is, you need to be aware that the Star Sol is not a gift from god or an eternal flame that will burn forever.  Eventually it will go away and if we are still Earthbound when it does, every single thing humanity ever created goes with it.  For all those people who what to know why we should waste money on pure scientific research and a Space Program, that's one reason and I for one think it's a pretty good one.

What the hell happened to the spirit of the Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, The Industrial  Revolution,  The Age of Inventions?  This country and it's people used to lead the world with great ideas and set an example for all to follow.  What happen to that?  Was it all just an illusion, like the myth of the good old days?

I woke up on New Years Day and went looking for the Rose Parade on TV.  Guess what?  The Rose Parade wasn't on.  You know why?  Because Holidays aren't really holidays anymore.  Holidays is just a word we use to describe that time of month when we tack an extra day onto the weekend and have another big sale.  Didn't holidays used to mean something?  I seemed to recall that once they did, and if they did or do, doesn't the date actually matter?  I'm pretty sure it does, IF, that is, you actually care what we are supposed to be celebrating, IF, of course, you still know or ever knew in the first place.  I see flags at half mast far to often the last few years.  I always want to know why, assuming I don't.  I ask people and almost always, no one knows and I have to look it up.  Do people not understand what a flag at half mast is SUPPOSED to mean?  How can The Nation be morning something if the Nation doesn't even know they are supposed to be mourning and why?

 Maybe I'm just getting grumpy in my old age, but I happen to think all of this stuff actually matters.  Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it doesn't and we'll all just be fine wandering around in the dark trying to find out asses with both hands and a candle.  I hope I am wrong, because god help us all if I'm not.

(shrug) It's just my opinion,  your mileage may vary

Jack William Finley


(because if it's worth saying, it's worth putting your fucking name on it)

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