Jack William Finley

Jack William Finley
Amazon Author page

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me

Funny. I don’t feel older. Old? Yeah. Old as dirt. Old as cobwebs and dust in the heart of an ancient pyramid, but, what the the hell? I felt that yesterday…last week.
October the 12th First day of my personal holiday season 12 Oct to 2 Jan. Season of pain, season of darkness, season of regret, self examination, and recrimination. Why didn't you do more, why didn't you accomplish more, do something that mattered, make the world at least a little better than it is without you?
I can feel the dark coming. I've felt it for about a week or so. Feels like a bad one. Lost and alone in this dark place. No light. No candle. No torch. No map to find a way out. No guide. Just alone in the pitch black dark with a pen and a blank page trying to write my way out, trying to write an escape route. Trying to write a lie I can believe, a fairy tale, a dream. A happy ending.
I gotta tell ya, I don’t love my chances, but what the hell, I woke up at 1:31 am on my birthday with words scratching the inside of my skull, an idea screaming to get out, to be set free into the world, the burning need to scar the white spaces with ink blood glyphs, that timeless and ancient magic that puts the thoughts in my head in someone else’s head, even if it’s just for a moment. Empathy? Telepathy? Sympathy? Magic.
I’ll likely never be the great magician, no rabbit in this hat, just a back ally street-punk side show trickster with a battered deck of cards and a few slick tricks with coins, but even a tired old sleight of hand con man can pull off a trick that amazes and fills the kids on the street with wonder, once in a blue moon. If he works hard enough and long enough and sticks with it. So. Maybe there’s a ray of hope in the ink dark blackness. The smell of a cedar wood fire on a cold winter’s night. Not even the light of a flickering candle blown out in the wind…but something. A ghost? The long dead spirit of hope forever lost, but no…wait. Maybe not. A taste on the air, a skin tingling chill in the wind that tells you, something is out there. Someone is listening. Words. Scratching. Straining the leash, dying to be set free to frolic in the cold midnight breeze. Witching hour magic.

There are worse ways to start the day. 

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