Jack William Finley

Jack William Finley
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Monday, March 5, 2012

Latest Limbaugh train wreck

o   The second Job I even had way back in the 80's was at a Pizza joint and the owner was a Limbaugh freak and where I live he's on my in-store radios than not. His been saying the same kind of off the charts offensive to his enemies and many of his friends for damn near 3 decades or more. I just can't get my head around how people can act like they are surprised when he says stuff like this. This is what he does and they still give him the inflated negative attention he so obviously craves. He's winning folks. When you give him this kind of attention he wins. No matter how many sponsors walk away there will always be more because he gets peoples attention and some gods help us actually agree with his all or most of the time (which scares even me by the way).

His enemies and... well, it's nothing to do with him really it's the activists on both sides. They need to stop shining spotlights on the other guys and just concentrate on getting their message out accurately and in as positive a light for their side as they can.

People keep saying this is about can a woman use birth control. The debate ISN’T about that it's about who pays for it. I'm totally for a woman’s right to do WHATEVER, but when the Catholic Church (whether I or anyone else agrees with their stand) says they shouldn't have to pay for something they -officially take a huge moral stand against I gotta tell you, I think they have a very fair point. The idea that birth control will just disappear if the Catholic Church and Right wing Republicans don't finance it just strikes me as absurd.

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