Jack William Finley

Jack William Finley
Amazon Author page

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Why Hannibal really is a worthless piece of shit.


OK yes.  Hannibal is in a really fucked up sort of way entertaining.  It is also after another painful five minutes a vile piece of shit and a symptom of everything I think is wrong with today’s world.  I think it's probably as close to evil as mass media ever gets and it makes me want to burn Hollywood and all its vile crap to the ground scatter the ashes and sow the soil with salt so this evil weed will never ever grow back.


No reason you should care why especially if it entertains you but if you're curious my reasons are below.



A is A


That's Aristotle and maybe one of the most important things a rather important guy ever said.


The world is round-ish.  Doesn't matter what you think it is or some dumb ass religion says or thinks it is-it's round that's it end of story.  Things are what they are not what you want them to be.


This is why so many people waste their lives away trying sssooo bloody hard to just WISH the world into some perfect delusional version of itself that fits their view of how it ought to be, better than reality does.  They can not and will accept that reality doesn’t change just because they want it to.


Thomas Harris, the guy who wrote Red Dragon, the book this piece of crap is supposed to be based on painstakingly researched it to find out how this shit is really done.  These idiots don’t understand how it’s done so they are selling the bull shit idea-oh yeah they also have the pathological obsession with fatal flaws-That it can only be done by crazy fucked up insane people.  Bull Shit assholes it gets done by college educated suit wearing rational professional every fucking day.  God forbid fictional characters should present us with an ideal we could and should try to live up to.  That might hurt some douche cocks feelings.  Their fictional cardboard douche wad heroes need to be just as fouled up as the world around us SEEMS to be.  ASSHOLES!

Behavioral Science is exactly what it says it is-A fucking science.  It is NOT mysticism.  It’s is not insanity and some voodoo mumbo jumbo bull shit trance shit.  IT IS A SCIENCE.  It is NOT practiced by a gang of shitty little hipsters created to interest the shitty little real-life hipsters these cultural vampires what to sell useless shit to.

Decent story telling should do, if anything beyond entertain, illuminate and make the world as it exists in reality easier to understand and grasp NOT shroud it in piss yellow fog of inane bull shit some worthless sack of shit hack made up because he’s to lazy to find out how the real world works and frankly just doesn’t care because he’s at home writing fan letters to High Times magazines telling the world how everything is going to be great as soon as we legalize mind altering drugs and wish away war and cancer and poverty and capitalism and all the other bad things in life, because they are so fucking sure that’s how it works.  NOT science, NO reason, Not common sense or DOING anything.  We’ll all just get stoned at wish it away.

FUCK YOU HollyCrap.  Just Fuck you.  The next time you want to know why the world is such a shitty place (and it IS, that wasn’t a question).  Just look in the fucking mirror.

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